Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Daddy's Girl (Anak Gadis Bapak)

Having such a greatest daddy ever like you is like having a star from Allah, shining my life anytime and everywhere.

When I was child, one day you gave me a little gift after I back home from exam, although it was just a bar of chocolate. You always allowed me to buy what I want when mom didn’t give permission to do that. I remember when both of us bought a cassete of our favorite singer secretly, because mom thought that thing was wasted money only. It’s such a romantic moment between us, you know :’)

You teach me a lot, I always love when you taught me how to read quran and what Allah said in it, you know dad? You are expert on that lesson. You teach me how to be a good girl, you teach me how to be a good sister for the only brother that I have, you teach me how to be a good daughter for mom. You teach me how to catch fish in our farm, hahaha. Mother said that both of us is similar in many things, yeah... our hobbies are reading books, watching movie, singging, cooking, etc., maybe I have many genes from you but not growht genes because you are so tall and I’m too short exactly like mom, hikhikhik :(

I was feeling so blue, when you told to everyone that your girl is a smart because get the best ranking in her class and will enter the physics class as a favorite class in senior high school. That time I ask your advice because I prefer enter the biology class, and you said I have to choose physics. I obey what you said, and it made me have to work so hard, study so hard because actually I wasn't very smart like you think. Study hard and made my homework every night never made me bored, you know why dad? Because you always with me for accompany me, you made some coffee for us so that we still awake all night long, oh my Allah how romantic my daddy :)

You always forcing me if it’s about my education, you are very firm about it. I was feeling so upset when you force me to take fisheries faculity when I want to take forestry or faculity of law, and you said “no way! you take fisheries and be a graduate". Dad, why you like to force me? And why I always obey you, yes because I love you and you love me more. Mom said that you’re so proud of me, although you never said to me but I knew it, I knew daddy.

And the sad part is, I can’t share anything with you now, I can’t give anything to you. You’ve left me several years ago because Allah loves you more. Now, your dream comes true but you couldn’t see, I have a degree in fisheries as your dream, even master of fisheries and work at fisheries department Alhamdulillah. As a lover, I never forget you. You live in my heart and always connect with you after I perform shalat and ask Allah like you taught me: “Rabbighfirli waliwalidayya warhamhuma kama rabbayani shaghiran"

1 komentar:

  1. awwh it's a touching story and I'm sorry to hear he's gone, but I think there's a way he knows how good you have done. You did realise his dream, and I hope you are happy! That will make him happy!


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