Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Steamed Sponge Cake

Bolu Kukus (Indonesia) or we can call "Steamed Sponge Cake" 
this time I want to write in english, such as "Minna" request :), here it this...

Steamed Sponge Cake (Bolu Kukus)

* 5 egg yolks
* 4 egg white
* 250 gram granulated sugar
* 300 gram flour
* ½ tsp baking soda
* 175 cc soda water (Sprite/7Up)
* ½ tsp vanilla
* 1 tsp coloring pasta (or any foodgrade coloring as you like)

  • Cover approx. 20 tin cups used to steamed the cakes with parchment papers then put them into a steamer pot with boiling water.
  • Mix egg yolks, egg white, baking soda, sugar and vanilla until they make a smooth batter then put in turns, ½ portion of the flour, ½ portion of the soda water until all of them are used, mix well. Take 5 Tbs of the batter and put it in a separate bowl. Pour in the coloring pasta and mix well.
  • Pour the white batter into the tin almost to the top then pour in 1-2 tsp of the coloring batter on top. Do this until all the batter is used up, ± 20 tin cups.
  • Close the steamer lid, let it steamed for ± 20 minutes with high temperature. Then use low temperature for another 5 minutes. The cake is ready to serve if it looks like the above picture.

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Happy Birthday Abang Sayang

Bulan Januari ini ada dua orang tersayang yang ulang tahun, pertama itu Abang Fakhri 12 Januari dan kedua adalah Abang tersayang 26 Januari hari ini J

Although today 26th January is Abang's birthday, but I already wished him 2 weeks ago when fakhri’s birthday.  I don’t know why that time I think it’s ok to say happy birthday in advance, because I was worry I can’t say it on time.  And yes, it’s true now, since three days ago abang not talk to me.  He was upset to me...sad sad sad L.  Whatever today I still want to say many things to him...

I don’t know where to start from... well maybe by wishing you. Happy Birthday Abang, Love you so much for being there as my lovely Abang passed the days with me, cheer me up when I was sad, has taught me a lot of things that I didn’t know before. It seems just like yesterday when I first met you. I never had a feeling that time to you or make you my daily rutinities. The more we came to know about each other, the more we started liking each other and feell that it looks like we've known each other for a long time ago :D (maybe since fir’aun era LOL).

As I sit here and think about the last five months. The way I used to tease you, the way I irritated you, waiting for you everyday before going to office, the small fights we used to have over such stupid things and you used to smile smile and smile :P

I have the most amazing days of my life with you so far. Other than being my lovely Abang, you are my best friend, who have always accepted me in my best and worst (not when I say the “word” that you hate which made you silent and made me lost your smile).

I not be there for you right now but I do love you with all my heart. This time I feel so lost but I should be strong through my days without you...InsyaAllah.

Happy Birthday Abang , I hope you have most all your wishes come true and may Allah SWT always blessing you with many gifts of life...

May Allah SWT blessing you with love, health, wealth, and many more... Strength and courage to keep on going with this tough life...

Happy Birthday Abang *hugs & kisses* from here...

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Waxing Sendiri Di Rumah

Waxing adalah cara menghilangkan bulu di tubuh yang hasilnya tahan lebih lama daripada mencukur. Waxing bisa mengangkat bulu halus hingga ke akarnya, dan membuat kulit mulus lebih lama. Area yang biasa di waxing contohnya kaki dan ketiak. Melakukan waxing di pusat kecantikan profesional sudah pasti harganya mahal. Selain itu bahan kimia pembuat krim waxing sering tidak cocok dengan kulit sehingga menimbulkan iritasi. Lebih baik melakukan waxing sendiri di rumah, dan hanya butuh tiga bahan alami untuk membuatnya.
Step 1
Siapkan panci anti lengket, sendok kayu dan dan kain kasa/perban. Campurkan 2 cangkir gula pasir, ¼ cangkir air lemon dan ¼ cangkir air panas ke panci anti lengket.
Step 2
Masak dengan api besar. Jangan diaduk hingga mencair seluruhnya. Bila anda aduk maka karamel akan seperti `berambut`
Step 3
Perhatikan, bila sudah cair, boleh diaduk. Apabila mulai muncul gelembung seperti mendidih, kecilkan api kompor.
Step 4
Matikan api bila sudah terbentuk karamel berwarna keemasan. Diamkan dulu hingga karamel hangat-hangat kuku atau sudah nyaman untuk disentuh kulit.Tapi jangan terlalu dingin, karena akan sulit disendok dan karamel akan menjadi keras.
Step 5
Gunakan sendok kayu. Aplikasikan karamel pada bagian tubuh yang ingin dihilangkan bulunya, contohnya sepanjang tulang kering. Tempetkan kain kasa/ kain perban secara memanjang mengikuti polesan karamel tersebut. Tekan-tekan tiga kali agar kuat menempel.
Step 6
Cabut kain dengan cepat dari arah yang berlawanan dengan arah pertumbuhan bulu. Bulu-bulu halus di kaki anda akan tercabut tanpa rasa perih. Cuci kaki dengan air hangat untuk membuang residu karamel di kulit. Oleskan lotion.

Cuppycake a.k.a Bolu Kukus

Bolu kukus mungkin salah satu jajanan pasar yang sering kita beli.  Tesktur lembut dari bolu kukus membuat kakak Marissa suka banget, apalagi sekarang bolu kukus sudah dimodifikasi dengan berbagai cara sehingga dari segi penampilan dan rasa cukup menarik.

Nah bagi kalian yang ingin coba  membuat kue bolu kukus yang lembut mengundang selera ini, silahkan dicatet resep kue bolu kukus dibawah ini. Selamat mencoba.

Bahan Resep Bolu Kukus Mekar:

5 kuning telur
4 putih telur
250 g gula pasir
300 g tepung terigu 
½ sdt baking soda
175 cc air soda (Sprite/7Up)
½ sdt vanilla
1 sdt pewarna pasta (sesuai selera)

Siapkan cetakan dan alasi dengan paper cup. Panaskan kukusan (tips: Nanti saat memasukkan cetakan, pastikan air kukusan sudah mendidih dan bergolak. Bolu kukus membutuhkan banyak uap air untuk bisa merekah) 
Telur, gula dan vanila dikocok hingga kental.  Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk perlahan.  Masukkan air soda (sprite) sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk. Ambil 1/3 bagian adonan dan beri pewarna sesuai selera, sebagian yang lain juga diberi warna yang berbeda. Isi cetakan dengan adonan berselang seling hingga 7/8 timggi cetakan. Kukus selama 15-20 menit.

Bahan Bolu Kukus  Santan:
2 butir telur (100 gr)
250 gr gula 1 sdt
250 gr tepung terigu rendah protein
50 gr maizena
200 cc santan (aku pakai santan instan)
1 sdt Essence Vanilla
2 sdm Pasta Coklat (aku pakai pasta pandan)

Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Santan
  • Siapkan cetakan dan alasi dengan paper cup. Panaskan kukusan (tips: Nanti saat memasukkan cetakan, pastikan air kukusan sudah mendidih dan bergolak. Bolu kukus membutuhkan banyak uap air untuk bisa merekah)
  • Kocok telur, gula kastor dan emulsifier sampai kental, kalau sudah terasa berat, masukan sebagian cairan sedikit demi sedikit
  • Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena dan sisa cairan berselang seling, mixer terus sampai rata
  • Ambil 1/3 bagian adonan dan beri pasta coklat (atau pandan seperti aku), aduk rata, sisihkan.
  • Sisa adonan putih diberi essence vanilla, sisihkan. Isi cetakan dengan adonan putih 1/2 bagiannya, penuhi sisanya berselang seling dengan adonan hijau dan putih menggunakan piping bag, sampai 7/8 tinggi paper cup
  • Kukus dalam kukusan dengan panas tinggi selama 15 menit untuk cetakan kecil, dan 20-25 menit untuk cetakan besar.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Daddy's Girl (Anak Gadis Bapak)

Having such a greatest daddy ever like you is like having a star from Allah, shining my life anytime and everywhere.

When I was child, one day you gave me a little gift after I back home from exam, although it was just a bar of chocolate. You always allowed me to buy what I want when mom didn’t give permission to do that. I remember when both of us bought a cassete of our favorite singer secretly, because mom thought that thing was wasted money only. It’s such a romantic moment between us, you know :’)

You teach me a lot, I always love when you taught me how to read quran and what Allah said in it, you know dad? You are expert on that lesson. You teach me how to be a good girl, you teach me how to be a good sister for the only brother that I have, you teach me how to be a good daughter for mom. You teach me how to catch fish in our farm, hahaha. Mother said that both of us is similar in many things, yeah... our hobbies are reading books, watching movie, singging, cooking, etc., maybe I have many genes from you but not growht genes because you are so tall and I’m too short exactly like mom, hikhikhik :(

I was feeling so blue, when you told to everyone that your girl is a smart because get the best ranking in her class and will enter the physics class as a favorite class in senior high school. That time I ask your advice because I prefer enter the biology class, and you said I have to choose physics. I obey what you said, and it made me have to work so hard, study so hard because actually I wasn't very smart like you think. Study hard and made my homework every night never made me bored, you know why dad? Because you always with me for accompany me, you made some coffee for us so that we still awake all night long, oh my Allah how romantic my daddy :)

You always forcing me if it’s about my education, you are very firm about it. I was feeling so upset when you force me to take fisheries faculity when I want to take forestry or faculity of law, and you said “no way! you take fisheries and be a graduate". Dad, why you like to force me? And why I always obey you, yes because I love you and you love me more. Mom said that you’re so proud of me, although you never said to me but I knew it, I knew daddy.

And the sad part is, I can’t share anything with you now, I can’t give anything to you. You’ve left me several years ago because Allah loves you more. Now, your dream comes true but you couldn’t see, I have a degree in fisheries as your dream, even master of fisheries and work at fisheries department Alhamdulillah. As a lover, I never forget you. You live in my heart and always connect with you after I perform shalat and ask Allah like you taught me: “Rabbighfirli waliwalidayya warhamhuma kama rabbayani shaghiran"