Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Yes, I have to come... It will take time

One day I connect with bhai and ask him to make a poem for me.  Actually that time I asked him to making it directly and also I asked him with tight...hahahaa....
but he said he needed time to make it...yes it will take time
let's see what bhai has made for me...check it out!

"My Wishes"

You have to come... It will take time
At least you have to come... it will take time
I pray for you to Allah
When I hold “Ghulaf-e-Kabbah”

May Allah accept all wishes in your heart
All your doa’s which you pray for other
All your dreams which seen for your future
I know its voice from bottom of my heart

You have to come... It will take time
At least you have to come... it will take time
I pray for you when I go to home of Nabi Muhammad (SAW)
You come and give your salam to Him (SAW) by yourself

Its my wish and I know

You have to come... It will take time
At least you have to come... it will take time
Maybe I will not join you or I will not here
But the ways I walk and I talk about you
About my aapi

About your wishes will tell you
All with voice of breeze
What I give my message to them for you
When you come to visit
Becouse I know that

You have to come... It will take time
At least you have to come... it will take time

Poem title: My Wishes
Made by: Muhammad Salman Aslam
Time: 24 August 2012

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Idul Fitri with Family

Happy Idul Fitri to Bhai Salman Aslam from family in Indonesia

 after shalat, during hearing khutba idul fitri
there are dewi, icha, baba, enny

 baba watching one little who is playing baloon

 Enny & me :P

 Ustadz Danish Baba :D

 danish watching up coz his ballon was flying away :( ballon over there

 who is them...hmm so....ladys:P

 with my cousin and my nephew
which is sister Tenri? you can see her?

 Kak Tenri's husband, Aunty, Mama, Kak Tenri
in my home

 eating-eating....!!! (in my home)

 I know you will know by one

sister enny and mom
this is we call "sungkem" to our parents after back from shalat
"sungkem" is kissing hands and cheek of mama and ask for pardom from mom

 Baba doing Sungkem also

 we are in Kak Tenri's house
enny, aunty (mama of kak tenri), mom, me, lela

 I sure you know them

 should I tell you who she is?

 I take this yesterday, hi...mama...

 home sweet home
Jl. Ade Irma Nasution No.24 Makassar

 Last night, Danish playing fireworks

Fakhri and Danish playing fireworks

Moskovis Pandan Kukus

Untuk Lebaran esok aku mencoba satu resep yang aku buat dadakan, you can say... "tiba masa tiba akal", tiba-tiba aku kepikiran membuat cake pandan dan inilah hasilnya:

•    150 gram mentega, lelehkan
•    50 ml air daun suji*
•    150 gram tepung terigu protein rendah (tadi malah aku pake kompas hehee...)
•    80 gram gula pasir yang butiranyya halus ( untuk kuning telur )
•    7 kuning telur
•    7 putih telur
•   1 sdt cream of tartar
•   1 sdt garam 75 gram gula pasir ( untuk putih telur )
Cara membuat :
-       Kocok kuning telur dan 80 gram gula pasir sampai kental. Masukkan tepung terigu sambil di ayak. Tambahkan mentega yang sudah di lelehkan dan air daun suji. Aduk sampai rata.
-       Kocok putih telur, cream of tartar, dan garam, sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit-sedikit sambil terus di kocok sampai mengembang. Tuang adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk perlahan.
-       Tuang 1/3 adonan ke dalam loyang. Taburi atasnya dengan kenari, ayakan coklat bubuk.  Kukus selama 10 menit sejak air mendidih.
-       Lakukan berulang sampai adonan habis. Kukus sampai matang

* Di buat dari 20 lembar daun suji dan 2 lembar daun pandan, lalu di remas-remas dengan 75 ml air hangat dan di saring. Ambil 50 ml untuk bahan cake